Friday, October 21, 2011

Blog Fest Oh-Eleven

     I flat out missed “Blog Action Day 2011” and feel a little sheepish posting about a digital culture “Fail”.  Since I did not take part in the festivities, I decided to follow up on the spirit of Blog Action Day and comment on 2 blogs (p1c3).  I commented on 2 different blogs, posting comments and links, to show my support for friends.  Now, I know I didn’t comment on a third blog, but by posting the information here, you can comment on them also.  Here are the comments I post on their respective blogs, along with the links so that you can check them out. 

     Jennifer, this is a good idea to make the house smell like the wonders of autumn.  This project/recipe reminds me of a great dessert based on the same principle; core and apple, fill it with spices and water then bake it.  I saw the recipe on “Lidia’s Italy” (recipe found here: and found that baking apples smell amazing.  After warming the household with some apple and spice it would be a shame to waste a pre-baked apple.  It would only require a few more ingredients and a little more baking time to turn the “Homemade Apple & Spice Air Freshener” in to an excellent apple dessert.  The household smells great, dessert was delicious and nothing was wasted.

Dave, this is a good article for bands on tour and anyone traveling on a budget.  The continental breakfast is king and could easily provide enough food for lunch.  You can add cans of organic black and red beans to your road meal to keep your fiber and protein levels elevated, but you might want to stock-up on the “Beano” too.  Another good purchase would be a variety of organic nuts and dried fruit, per your individual tastes, and create your own trail mix (dark chocolate bits make a great addition to almonds and dried banana chips).  I really like the message: save money and maintain healthy eating habits while traveling.  Keep it up!

Another good resource for reducing expenses while traveling:

Check out for more info.


  1. I am also trying to use my blog as a way to improve my writing and keep me accountable for actually writing. I got to your blog through one of your posts on writers digest and I was wondering if you knew of any other sites that have interesting writing prompts like the ones that are on writer's digest.

  2. Thanks for your comments and support! I started with Writers Digest since I had their book. I also found a few other sites with writing prompts:

    Good luck! I look forward to reading your writing soon.

    P.S. I might be in need of a guest contributor in the future...
